For sustainable knowledge

A theory of inter-disciplinarity

by Robert Frodeman (writer), Alexis Galmot (translation)
Collection: Indisciplines
october 2019
160 x 240 format 104 pages In stock
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The book rethinks the nature of inter-disciplinary research and the place of philosophy and human sciences in society. It looks to diagnose the wrongs suffered by academic production that is stagnating as the alarm of disciplinarity is sounding. The author, a philosopher and geologist, seeks to convince the reader of the need to break away from disciplinarity to build up knowledge that meets the complex and still unresolved problems in health and the environment.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Disciplinarité

3. Interdisciplinarité

4. Soutenabilité

5. Dédisciplinarité

6. Épilogue : une vie d’indiscipline


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: NSS

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Indisciplines

Published: 17 october 2019

Reference Book: 02706

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02706NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02706EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759230877

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759230884

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759230891

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 104

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 104

Weight (in grammes): 205

Size: 593 KB (PDF), 301 KB (ePub)


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