Fishing. Aquatic and aquacultural resources / Aquaculture, fish farming
Le silure glane Biology, Ecology, Farming
Pierre Elie, Olivier Schlumberger, Jean-Pierre Proteau
Book 36,50 €
Salmonidés d'aquaculture From Production to Plate
Book 40,60 €
Les mulets des mers d'Europe Summary of Knowledge about their Biological Bases and Aquaculture Techniques
Jérôme Hussenot, Dominique Gautier
Booklet 20,30 €
Le lieu jaune (Pollachius pollachius) Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential
Booklet 13,90 €
Le maigre commun (argyrosomus regius) Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential
Booklet 13,90 €
La morue (Gadus morhua) Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential
Booklet 13,90 €
Le saint-pierre (Zeus Faber) Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential
Booklet 13,90 €
Ces algues qui nous entourent Current Conceptions, Role in the Biosphere, Uses and Growing
eBook 40,99 €