Welfare of pigs

From Birth to Slaughter

by Luigi Faucitano (editor), Allan L. Schaefer (editor)
Collection: Hors Collection
march 2008
[NR] format 316 pages In stock
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This work is one of the most easy-to-understand scientific reviews on animal welfare currently available, with over 700 specific references to animal welfare. All aspects of animal welfare with respect to pigs are discussed, from genetic selection and breeding to transportation and slaughter. This book was written by scientific experts renowned for their knowledge and work in the area of pig welfare. Their common goal was to provide an in-depth review and empirical assessment of pig production concepts, knowledge and techniques in use today. The authors also had a practical goal to explain, through scientific examples, how improving animal welfare increases profitability. This work is intended for academics, researchers, students, animal welfare associations, industry and anyone involved in the production chain or concerned about the welfare of pigs being raised on farms.

Table of contents


Chapter 1. Welfare concepts
1. Welfare definition
2. Welfare and needs
3. Welfare and feelings
4. Welfare and stress
5. Welfare and health
6. Welfare and pain
7. Welfare concepts in relation to assessment

Chapter 2. Assessment of pig welfare
1. Introduction
2. Neuroendocrine systems
3. Behaviour
4. Production and pathology
5. Conclusion and perspectives

Chapter 3. The welfare of pregnant and lactating sows
1. Introduction
2. Hunger and thirst
3. Discomfort
4. Pain and injuries
5. Behavioural needs
6. Fear, stress and suffering

Chapter 4. The welfare of piglets
1. Introduction
2. Comfort and housing requirements
3. Nutrition and welfare
4. Viability and health
5. Behavioural needs
6. Fear, stress and suffering
7. Conclusions

Chapter 5. The welfare of growing-finishing pigs
1. Introduction
2. Welfare of the recently weaned and nursery pig
3. Main Grow-Finish period
4. Housing and environmental effects on welfare and meat quality of the G-F pig
5. Research opportunities to improve Grow-Finisher pig welfare
6. Conclusions

Chapter 6. The welfare of pigs during transport
1. Introduction
2. Loading density
3. Transport distance and duration
4. Vehicle design
5. Non-ambulatory animals or those otherwise unfit for transport
6. Conclusions

Chapter 7. Effects of preslaughter handling on stress response and meat quality in pigs
1. Introduction
2. Critical points within the pre-slaughter period
3. Conclusions

Chapter 8. Welfare of pigs during stunning and slaughter
1. Introduction
2. Handling during stunning
3. Stunning methods
4. Killing of pigs on the farms during disease outbreaks

Chapter 9. Breeding pigs for improved welfare
1. Introduction
2. Genetics and animal breeding
3. Pig breeding today
4. Direct influence of breeding procedures on welfare
5. Heterosis improves piglet vitality
6. Selection for increased litter size requires selection for piglet survival
7. Maternal behaviour and fear
8. The sow’s ability to produce milk and to use body reserves
9. Relations between growth, leanness, feed conversion and welfare
10. Leg weakness and longevity
11. Selection against or for extreme stress sensitivity?
12. Selection for improved resistance to micro-organisms
13. Breeding instead of castration?
14. Selection against ‘bad behaviour’
15. Selection for decreased environmental sensitivity
16. More data are needed to improve welfare by breeding
17. The role of cooperation in improving pig welfare
18. Practical implications

Chapter 10. Human-pig relationships
1. Human-animal relationships in pig production
2. Fear, productivity and welfare
3. Stockperson characteristics regulating the pig’s fear of humans
4. Other important job-related characteristics of the stockperson
5. Opportunities to improve human-animal interactions in the pig industry
6. Training
7. Selection of stockpeople
8. Conclusion

Chapter 11. The welfare of pigs: a social, ethical and scientific issue
1. Introduction
2. Debate about animal welfare
3. Animal welfare science
4. Animal welfare assurance programs
5. The application of animal welfare science



More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 11 march 2008

Reference Hardback book: 02077

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782759200863

Format (in mm) Hardback book: [NR]

Pages count Hardback book: 316

Weight (in grammes): 720


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