Insects and spidermites affecting vegetable crops in tropical humid regions

Identification, bio-ecology and agro-ecological management

by Philippe Ryckewaert (writer), Béatrice Rhino (writer)
Collection: Guide pratique
february 2017
140 x 245 format 152 pages In stock
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140 x 245 format 152 pages Download after purchase
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Insects and spidermites do significant damage to vegetable crops in all tropical regions around the world. Today, agro-ecological crop protection methods such as biological control are recommended. This work, a veritable handbook, features 22 references describing the major groups of arthropods: pests and natural enemies (predators and parasitoids). The bio-ecology of these groups and the means at our disposal to control pests are detailed along with many photographs.

Table of contents




Reconnaissance des principaux groupes, systématique et biologie

Méthodes de contrôle des populations de ravageurs


Les ravageurs

Les acariens

Les aleurodes

Les pucerons

Les cicadelles

Les punaises phytophages

Les thrips phytophages

Les courtilières

Les mouches mineuses

Les mouches des fruits

Les Coléoptères

Les chenilles


Ennemis naturels

Les acariens prédateurs

Les araignées

Les punaises prédatrices

Les chrysopes

Les syrphes

Les coccinelles prédatrices

Les carabes et les staphylins

Les thrips prédateurs

Les fourmis

Les guêpes

Les parasitoïdes



Cultures hôtes des insectes et des acariens ravageurs

Répartition mondiale des insectes et des acariens ravageurs

Répartition mondiale des insectes et acariens prédateurs


Bibliographie générale



More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Guide pratique

Published: 9 february 2017

Reference Book: 02565

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02565EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02565NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759225705

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759225729

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759225712

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 140 x 245

Pages count Book: 152

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 152

Weight (in grammes): 320

Size: 37.6 MB (ePub), 18.4 MB (PDF)


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