Social uses of science

For a clinical sociology of the scientific field

by Pierre Bourdieu (writer)
Collection: Sciences en questions
january 2019
120 x 190 format 80 pages In stock
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According to Pierre Bourdieu, the “scientific fields” are where of necessity two forms of power corresponding to two species of “scientific capital” confront each other: a capital that can be qualified as social and a specific capital that relies almost exclusively on peer recognition. The sociology of science can assist in overcoming these contradictions and in establishing the concrete principles of a “realpolitik of reason” in this field.

Table of contents

Préface, par P. Champagne 


Les champs comme microcosmes relativement autonomes 

Les propriétés spécifiques des champs scientifiques 

Les deux espèces de capital scientifique 

L'espace des points de vue 

La situation particulière de l’lNRA 

Aller au-delà des apparences et des fausses antinomies 

Quelques propositions normatives 

Une conversion collective



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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 2th edition

Collection: Sciences en questions

Published: 3 january 2019

First publishing date: 1 january 1997

Reference Book: 02670

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02670NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02670EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759229260

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759229277

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759229284

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 190

Pages count Book: 80

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 80

Weight (in grammes): 85

Size: 3.07 MB (PDF), 696 KB (ePub)


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