Toutes les bières moussent-elles ?

80 Key Questions to Understand Beer

by Jean-Paul Hébert (writer), Dany Griffon (writer)
Collection: Clés pour comprendre
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Beer, the world's oldest alcoholic beverage, has accompanied the development of civilisations over thousands of years in all corners of the world. 1.8 billion hectolitres are produced every year by industrial breweries, to which we must add beverages which come into the category of "indigenous beer". Dolos in Africa, chichas in South America and saké in Asia are not included in the statistics but all display man’s gift for transforming starch into a healthy, nourishing drink. The answers to the 80 questions in this fascinating book cover both industrial beers and home-made and traditional varieties from many countries. A book you can imbibe without moderation!

Table of contents



Les bières, boissons de l'humanité

Les bières résultent du travail de l'homme

Les bières, créatrices de liens sociaux

À lire sur le monde des bières


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Clés pour comprendre

Interior: Colour


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