
The ties that bind humans to animals

by Gwenaël Vourc’h (writer), François Moutou (writer), Serge Morand (writer), Elsa Jourdain (writer)
Collection: Enjeux sciences
december 2022
120 x 190 format 168 pages In stock
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Animals are all around us. We overlap with them in environments across the globe, which leads to myriad interactions, including shared infectious and parasitic diseases.

Such diseases, known as zoonoses, are the focus of this book. Within its pages, the authors describe the nature and transmission of zoonoses, discuss the diseases of greatest concern, detail different protective measures, and examine the factors responsible for zoonosis emergence and evolution.

This work encourages readers to delve deeper into the world of animals and microbes that surrounds us. It presents knowledge we must possess to better protect ourselves and, more importantly, to adopt a more holistic approach to our relationships with animals and the living world.

Table of contents


Defining Zoonoses

Causes of Zoonoses

Disease Reservoirs

From One Species to Another: Host Specificity, Species Jumps, Barriers, Filters, and Other Concerns

From Exposure to Infection

Diagnosis and Screening

Course of Infection

History and Dynamics of Zoonoses

Historical Forces Behind Zoonoses

Transmission of Zoonoses

Major Zoonoses by Host Taxon

Some examples of zoonoses

Bacterial Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance

Zoonotic Protozoa and Worms

Viral Zoonoses

Prion Zoonoses

Preventing and Living with Zoonoses

Prevention and Treatment at the Individual Scale

Promoting Veterinary Public Health at the Collective Scale

Limiting Zoonosis Emergence: a Collective Global Responsibility

Lessons from the Anthropocene

Defining Zoonosis Emergence


Detecting New Zoonoses

Are Zoonoses Becoming More Frequent ?

Role of Biodiversity

Role of Farm Animals and Pets

Land Use Change

Climate Change

Conclusions: What Comes Next ?

Learn More

Online resources

Suggestions of reports and books

By the same authors

Acknowledgements :


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Last reader comment

Les auteurs mettent en avant l'émergence des maladies transmises par les animaux aux humains, les "zoonoses" dans notre monde moderne. Ils expliquent de manière concise et claire quelles sont les mesures préventives à mettre en oeuvre, face à l'évolution des zoonoses, et donnent des conseils pour transformer notre rapport à l'animal et au monde vivant en général.

on 28/02/2023 10:43


Language(s): English

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Collection: Enjeux sciences

Published: 12 december 2022

Reference Book: 02869

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02869EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02869NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759236534

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759236558

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759236541

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 190

Pages count Book: 168

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 168

Weight (in grammes): 190

Size: 2.75 MB (ePub), 5.55 MB (PDF)


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