Surprising oceans

Journey to the heart of extraordinary natural phenomena

by Catherine Vadon (writer), Michel Olagnon (with)
Collection: Beaux livres
october 2024
160 pages Download after purchase
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The ocean world abounds in astonishing biological curiosities and extraordinary physical phenomena. Bioluminescence, for example, is one of the secret languages of the ocean's inhabitants, like the microscopic algae that emit a brilliant neon-blue light. Deep below the surface, environments seemingly hostile to all life are home to a number of enigmatic species. Deep in the abyss, soft fish thrive, coping with colossal pressures that would crush anyone. 
And what can we say about the life that huddles near underwater volcanoes that spew hot sulfides? Or the polar fish that make antifreeze to protect themselves from freezing temperatures? And of the phenomena of unprecedented violence that sometimes agitate the ocean - tornadoes, tsunamis, maelstroms, rogue waves... - that no human technology can thwart? 
Let's dive in and discover this surprising and unusual ocean world, an inexhaustible source of life and diversity!

Table of contents

Welcome to the ocean!

Light to live!

Gelatinous, vulnerable? Only in appearance!

Plankton squatters

The magical world of small pelagics

These tiny ones that build reefs

The moon guides them

Hundred ways to be an octopus

Exceptional fish

They put us in a tizzy!

Great adventurous odysseys

Ice phenomena

Survivors from distant times

Oases of life in the deep

Life up to 11 km below the surface!

Cobalt, nickel and Co, deep under the sea

Volcanoes underwater

When the ocean goes wild!

Photo credits


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Beaux livres

Published: 3 october 2024

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02964NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02964EPB

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239443

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239450

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 160

Size: 21.5 MB (PDF), 19.7 MB (ePub)


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