Trees, Shrubs and Lianas of West African Dry Zones

by Michel Arbonnier (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2004
160 x 240 format 574 pages In stock
77,10 €
160 x 240 format 574 pages Download after purchase
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This field handbook is the result of over fifteen years' experience of forestry operations. It sets out to fill a gap in the literature available on the flora of the dry zones of West Africa. Its 1300 colour photographs of flowers, fruits, leaves and bark will facilitate identification of each of the 360 species presented. As trees are an integral part of the landscape and have many functions and uses, an up-to-date inventory is also given of the traditional uses of the different parts of plants. The determination keys and descriptive sheets are accessible to non-specialists in botany, be they technicians, teachers or students. This book is a reference for anyone in need of information on the trees and shrubs of the region.

Table of contents



Description of the guide

The dry zones of West Africa

Glossary of botanical terms

Glossary of medical terms used in the pharmacopoeia

Determination keys

Determination based on leaves

Determination based on flowers

Determination based on fruit

Determination based on thorns or spines

Species descriptions



Index to English Names

Inder to Botanical Names

Quick reference to the determination based on leaves


More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2004

Reference Hardback book: CI929

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI929NUM

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782876145795

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206742

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Hardback book: 160 x 240

Pages count Hardback book: 574

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 574

Weight (in grammes): 1165

Size: 44.6 MB (PDF)


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