Cow up a tree

Knowing and Learning for Change in Agriculture. Case Studies from Industrialised Countries

by Marianne Cerf (editor), David Gibbon (editor), Bernard Hubert (editor), Ray Ison (editor), Janice Jiggins (editor), Mark Paine (editor), Jet Proost (editor), Niels Röling (editor)
Collection: Science update
january 2000
160 x 240 format 492 pages In stock
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Western societies are calling for speedy change in agriculture and the agrifood industries to incorporate new quality criteria into the goods they produce. To promote these changes what scientists must develop are not universally implementable technical solutions, but self-diagnosis methods to be used by agricultural producers and their advisors. They also need to evolve new procedures for research intervention in collective organisations. There is a need for new individual and collective learning and organisation processes based on transdisciplinarity and co-learning among researchers, development professionals, decision makers and farmers. In this book, scientists from ten industrialised countries describe and reflect on their theoretical and practical experience of the different forms of learning they experimented with.

Table of contents

Foreword 9
B. Hervieu, Chairman o f INRA
Part I. Introducing Learning and Knowing Processes
Part II. Working with Learning Groups
Part III. Developing and Adapting Methodologies for Creating Learning Contexts
Part IV. Changing Institutional and Social Landscapes
Part V. Education and Training for Change
Part VI. Conclusions
Contribution to an Epistemology of Research-in-Action 461
M. Sebillotte
Knowing and Learning Processes. Perspectives from a Devil's Advocate
Cow Up a Tree. A Critical Assessment 477
M. Petit
List of Contributors 489
List of Reviewers 493


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Language(s): English

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Science update

Published: 1 january 2000

Reference Book: 01437

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01437EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01437NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738009296

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759211746

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759204762

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 492

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 492

Weight (in grammes): 800

Size: 9.1 MB (ePub), 27.5 MB (PDF)


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