Filières d'épuration adaptées aux petites collectivités

FNDAE technical document N° 22

by Philippe Duchène (editorial coordination), Alain Liénard (editorial coordination), Catherine Boutin (editorial coordination)
Collection: FNDAE
october 1998
210 x 297 format 96 pages In stock
13,10 €
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This guide discusses the different wastewater treatment techniques used for communities ranging from 50 to 3,000 inhabitant-equivalents. Twelve techniques are presented by type of treatment. It details the costs of wastewater treatment plants in relation to investment plans as well as to an initial approach to operating needs. It is of particular interest to engineers and technicians working in small communities and to engineering and design departments that must choose the best-adapted treatment in terms of local conditions.

Table of contents


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: FNDAE

Published: 1 october 1998

Reference Book: CF4951

EAN13 Book: 9782853624954

Format (in mm) Book: 210 x 297

Pages count Book: 96

Weight (in grammes): 338


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