Aquaculture typology of salt marshes on the Atlantic coast
Le traitement biologique aérobie du lisier de porc Les transformations de l'azote et les émissions gazeuses polluantes
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Creative transport infrastructure Better integrate them into ecosystems, landscapes and territories
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Ocean acidification What are the effects? What are the solutions?
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Sustainable food systems for food security Need for combination of local and global approaches
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Forest law From a universal approach to localized rights
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Language(s): French
Publisher: Irstea
Edition: 1st edition
Collection: Études Cemagref
Published: 5 november 1999
Reference eBook [ePub]: CF2363EPB
Reference eBook [PDF]: CF2363NUM
EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759215676
EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206896
Interior: Two-colour
Pages count eBook [PDF]: 232
Size: 20 MB (ePub), 10.2 MB (PDF)