Lexique hydrologique pour l'ingénieur

English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian and Arabic

Collection: Hors Collection
june 2005
297 x 210 format 214 pages In stock
50,70 €
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This hydrology dictionary, in English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian and Arabic, is designed to provide an immediate and simple translation of the major scientific and technical terms used in hydrology. With almost 2.000 terms, this dictionary aims at facilitating communication between hydrologists as well as encouraging them to express themselves in their mother tongue by providing equivalents that are little known in the technical domain. Moreover, this dictionary is not just limited to hydrology but includes many related areas of interest to engineers: hydrotechnics, hydrogeology, meteorology, hydraulics, water supply systems, geomorphology and geography.

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Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 10 june 2005

Reference Book: CF6482

Reference eBook [PDF]: CF6482NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782853626484

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759232994

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 297 x 210

Pages count Book: 214

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 214

Weight (in grammes): 713

Size: 5.46 MB (PDF)


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