Traitement biologique des lisiers de porcs en boues activées

Technical guide for the use of designers, users and plant monitoring agencies

by Marie-Line Daumer (writer), Fabrice Guiziou (writer), Fabrice Béline (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
march 2005
[NR] format 72 pages In stock
30,90 €
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This guide discusses the different aspects of biological treatment of pork slurry using activated sludge. After providing an inventory of regulatory and legislative measures in progress or at the project stage, it takes stock of available knowledge about the process: information about slurry composition, influence of storage and homogenisation steps on the evolution of slurry characteristics, different solid/liquid separation systems and the composition of the products obtained, operating principles of a reactor for treating activated sludge by sequential aeration, recommendations for process management, major sources of dysfunction and how to correct them, characteristics and possible uses for treatment products. Major theories and an update on research work in progress are presented at the same time.

Table of contents


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 7 march 2005

Reference Book: CF644X

EAN13 Book: 9782853626446

Format (in mm) Book: [NR]

Pages count Book: 72

Weight (in grammes): 299


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