Bergers du monde

by Bernard Faye (writer)
Collection: Beaux livres
september 2008
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For the past thirty years or so, Bernard Faye has been crisscrossing four continents meeting people who devote their lives to their animals and to the land. His book looks at the paths taken by herdsmen he has come across in the heat of the Sahel, the sandstorms of the central Asian steppes, the humid heat of the Amazon, the mountains of the Cévennes and the piedmonts of Abyssinia. He tells stories of transhumance, and of children who were born herdsmen and whose birth plunges them into a world in which animals are the be all and end all.The book also tells of the links-in terms of both work and festivities-that both daily life and exceptional events weave between herdsmen and their animals.

Table of contents


Max le berger
Bergers, vachers, chevriers, chameliers
et autres pâtres

I. L'enfant berger
   Sahalé, un enfant parmi les chameaux
   Eferson, le destin d'un enfant nordestin
   Aché et le cent de chèvres
À quoi sert le gardien du troupeau ?

Au puits de Zalaama
Abreuver, boire… l'eau source de vie

II. Transhumances
   Drailles en Cévennes
France : Aubrac, Ossau, Aspe, Béon…
   Cavaliers mongols, vaqueiros et cow-boys
   Aïrolé, la fin d'une itinérance
   Chuluutiin, bergère de rennes

Abriter, stocker… habitats temporaires et permanents

Le berger de La Capitaine
Le lien entre l’homme et l’animal

III. Les liens de peine
   Le monde est né d’une goutte de lait
   La mort aux trousses
   Le sel de la vie


IV. Les liens de fête
   Sois le bienvenu
Berger, un métier d’avenir ?
   Pushkar, la beauté diabolique
La quête d’un chercheur
   Abouraya, le Sahel en fête

La fin d’un monde ?


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Beaux livres

Published: 24 september 2008

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02100EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02100NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759211098

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759203383

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 240

Size: 89.2 MB (ePub), 56.2 MB (PDF)


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