Service plants

Towards new agroecosystems

by Caroline Djian-Caporalino (editorial coordination), Anne-Violette Lavoir (editorial coordination)
Collection: Hors Collection
november 2024
160 x 240 format 388 pages In stock
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Reducing crop dependency on synthetic chemical inputs is essential to adopt a more sustainable form of agriculture more respectful of the environment and human health. One solution is to optimize ecosystem services by increasing the functional diversity of plants in and around agrosystems. In this context of agroecological transition, the use of service plants is a promising and original method.

This book offers a comprehensive summary of the knowledge acquired on all types of service plants, on all types of crops (field crops, vegetable crops, vines, arboriculture… ), in temperate and tropical environments. It addresses their mechanisms of action, the potential for multiservices rendered, the risks for disservices, the choice of service plants and their implementation in different cropping systems and climates. It invites us to take a step back from intensive cropping systems and their specialization, and to design complex, adaptive and resilient agroecological systems that meet current challenges in an increasingly uncertain context: climate change, biodiversity loss, food security, energy resources...

Whether you're a farmer, agricultural adviser, researcher, teacher or student, this book will help you deepen your knowledge or discover the world of service plants.

Table of contents

Introduction. From intensive agriculture towards agroecology

Caroline Djian-Caporalino, Claire Caravel, Anne-Violette Lavoir

Part 1. The service plants’ underlying mechanisms

François Lecompte, Marie Chave, Bruno Jaloux, Delphine Moreau, Alice Michelot-Antalik, coord.

Chapter 1: Service plants to promote soil fertility, climate regulation and the water cycle

Florian Celette, Lionel Alletto, Léo Garcia, François Lecompte, Aurélie Metay
Soil fertility and associated ecosystem services
How service plants affect soil fertility
Dynamics and sustainability of service plant effects

Inset 1. Specialized metabolism

Alexandre de Saint Germain, Alan Kergunteuil

Chapter 2. Service plants promoting pollination

Audrey Alignier, Stéphanie Aviron, Mathilde Baude, Emma Jeavons, Alice Michelot-Antalik, Emmanuelle Porcher
How plants attract, feed and host pollinating insects
Effects of service plants on pollinator diversity and dynamics
How service plants promote pollination of adjacent crops
Service plants as a lever to promote pollination in agricultural landscapes

Inset 2. Service plants to support the heritage value of biodiversity

Olivier Crouzet, Florence Matutini, Alice Michelot-Antalik

Chapter 3. Service plants for the regulation of aerial pests

Agathe Baudry, Anne-Marie Cortesero, Nicolas Desneux, Marie Hédan, Coline Jaworski, Bruno Jaloux, Anne-Violette Lavoir, Adrien Le Navenant, Martin Luquet, Beatrice Rhino
Direct effects of service plants on pests
Indirect effects of service plants on pests
Evidence in the field
Antagonisms, convergences or synergies between these different regulatory mechanisms
Research perspectives.

Chapter 4. Service plants for the regulation of aerial pathogens

Christophe Le May, Frédéric Suffert
Direct effects of service plants on inoculum exposure within heterogeneous canopies
Indirect effects of service plants on foliar disease development
Finding compromises to limit antagonisms

Chapter 5. Service plants for the regulation of soil-borne pests and pathogens

Marie Chave, Caroline Djian-Caporalino, Sylvain Fournet, Sophie Mantelin, Philippe Nicot
Direct effects of service plants on soil-borne pests and pathogens
Indirect effects of service plants to control soil-borne pests and pathogens
Cultural practices involved
Evaluation of effects in the field
Convergences and antagonisms between mechanisms

Chapter 6. Service plants for weed regulation

Delphine Moreau, Nathalie Colbach, Stéphane Cordeau, Gaëlle Damour, Aurélie Gfeller, Jean-Philippe Guillemin, Sandrine Petit
Direct effects of service plants on weeds
Effects of service plants on weeds via their natural enemies
Evaluation of effects in the field
Convergences and antagonisms between mechanisms

Inset 3. Could service plants contribute to the well-being and health of farmers?

Gilles Galopin

Part 2. Multiservices, combination of services and disservices

Anne-Marie Cortesero, Célia Seassau, Anne-Violette Lavoir, coord.

Chapter 7. Multiservice or combined plants for multiservice

Caroline Djian-Caporalino, Audrey Alignier, Marie Chave, Anne-Marie Cortesero, Nicolas Desneux, Antoine Gardarin, Claire Goillon, Séverin Hatt, Coline Jaworski, Anne-Violette Lavoir, Cliven Njekete, Célia Seassau
Multiservice plants?
Combinations of service plants
Service plants: solutions for sustainable agriculture

Inset 4. The multifunctionality of hedgerows in agricultural landscapes

Sébastien Boinot

Chapter 8. Risks of disservices and the strategies to limit them

Delphine Moreau, Antoine Couëdel, Florian Celette, Steewy Lakhia, Sébastien Picault, Frédéric Suffert
Mechanisms behind disservices from service plants
Limiting disservices through agricultural practices

Chapter 9. Spontaneous flora: a bouquet of services and disservices

Mélanie Roy, Audrey Alignier, Stéphane Cordeau, Séverin Hatt, Elena Kazakou
Community ecology, the basics
Services and disservices: examples from the field
Changing temporal and spatial scales
Towards integrating spontaneous flora into the concept of service plants
Cultural practices to promote the services of spontaneous flora and minimize disservices?

Part 3. Choice and management of service plants

Safia Médiène, coord.

Chapter 10. Which plants for which services: how to choose?

Xavier Bousselin, Caroline Djian-Caporalino, Florian Celette, Mathias Christina, Alain Ferre, Antoine Gardarin, Mathieu Lorin, Safia Médiène, Christophe Naudin, Sébastien Picault, Guillaume Piva
A functional approach to the selection of service plants promoting pest regulation
Diversified plant mixtures to promote conservation biological control
Weed regulation and soil fertility management: the example of field crops

Chapter 11. Implementing service plants: a wide variety of insertion and management methods

Florian Celette, Mathias Christina, Antoine Gardarin, Safia Médiène, Christophe Naudin, Aude Ripoche, Gaëlle Tisserand
Overview of possible insertion modes for service plants
Synchronous intra-parcel insertion
Asynchronous intra-parcel insertion (rotation and intercrop management)
Insertion and management of vegetated strips in and around the plot

Chapter 12. Tools and models to help implement service plants

Sandrine Auzoux, Jean-Marc Blazy, Antoine Gardarin, Ludovic Mailleret, Safia Médiène, Aude Ripoche, Romain Roche, François Warlop
Tools to help choose service plants
Contribution of modelling for service plant management

Chapter 13. Barriers and levers to the adoption of service plants by farmers

Jean-Marc Blazy
The importance of strategic consistency with the farmer's decision-making model
A necessary rethink of the cropping system and work organization
Constraints and levers linked to upstream and downstream supply chains
Institutional and political levers
Giving a new system every chance

Part 4. Service plants everywhere and for everything?

Béatrice Rhino, Sylvaine Simon, coord.

Chapter 14. Comparing service plant use practices in different cropping systems

Marie Hédan, Raphaël Achard, Sandrine Auzoux, Mathias Christina, Alain Ferre, Léo Garcia, Jérôme Labreuche, Steewy Lakhia, Jérôme Lambion, Amélie Lefèvre, Aude Ripoche, Nathalie Verjux, François Warlop, Béatrice Rhino, Sylvaine Simon
Diversity of services, service plants and uses according to production
Crossed perspectives between sectors
Research, experimentation and co-construction to be pursued

Chapter 15. Service plants in the transition from agrosystem to agroecosystem

Pierre-Éric Lauri, Nathalie Colbach, Gaëlle Damour, Jean-Philippe Deguine, Joël Huat, Amélie Lefèvre, Delphine Moreau, Aude Ripoche
Diversifying agroecosystems to adapt them to local agroecological challenges
Developing knowledge, renewing approaches and seizing new tools
Integrating service plants into agroecosystems, a farming and cultural challenge
A challenge for research: better connecting agronomy, environment, economy and social

Inset 5. The concept of the service animal

Jean-Christophe Bambou, Audrey Fanchone, Jean-Luc Gourdine, Nathalie Mandonnet, Valentin Verret


Caroline Djian-Caporalino, Anne-Violette Lavoir
Mechanisms of action of service plants: state of the art and perspectives
Service plants, mainstay of the agroecological transition
Choosing among this complexity: emergence and importance of the decision support systems (DSS)
The players in service plants: to each its own role!


Acronyms and abbreviations

Appendix. Summary of service plant species cited and services observed

List of authors



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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 28 november 2024

Reference Book: 02968

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02968NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02968EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759239788

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239795

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239801

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 388

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 388

Weight (in grammes): 850

Size: 16.4 MB (PDF), 14.4 MB (ePub)


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