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Les énergies renouvelables en France Analyse d’une planification entravée
Book 28,00 €
Une recherche dé-coïncidente pour se préparer aux crises environnementales et alimentaires Pour se préparer aux crises environnementales et alimentaires
Book 18,50 €
Transformative Participation for Socio-Ecological Sustainability Around the CoOPLAGE pathways
Book 30,00 €
Pluribiosis Working with microbes
Book 9,50 €
Creative transport infrastructure Better integrate them into ecosystems, landscapes and territories
Book 29,00 €
Sustainable food systems for food security Need for combination of local and global approaches
Book 25,00 €
The Food Market by 2050 From brick-and-mortar self-service stores to e-commerce platforms
Bernard Ruffieux, Aurélie Level
Book 29,00 €
Ocean acidification What are the effects? What are the solutions?
Fabrice Pernet, Frédéric Gazeau
Book 16,00 €