The history of INRA – science and politics
The Agrarian System at INRA A history of dissent
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Farm economics Concepts et méthodes pour l’appui au développement agricole dans les pays du Sud
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Une recherche dé-coïncidente pour se préparer aux crises environnementales et alimentaires Pour se préparer aux crises environnementales et alimentaires
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Living as a beaver Histories and Stories of cohabitations and reconciliation
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Pluribiosis Working with microbes
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Sustainable food systems for food security Need for combination of local and global approaches
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Une recherche responsable L’intégrité scientifique
Marianne Alunno-Bruscia, Christian Duquennoi, Philippe Goulletquer, Estelle Jaligot, Antoine Kremer, Françoise Simon-Plas
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Language(s): French
Publisher: Éditions Quae
Edition: 1st edition
Collection: Hors Collection
Published: 11 january 2018
Reference Book: 02579
Reference eBook [ePub]: 02579EPB
Reference eBook [PDF]: 02579NUM
EAN13 Book: 9782759226375
EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759226399
EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759226382
Interior: Two-colour
Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240
Pages count Book: 464
Pages count eBook [PDF]: 464
Weight (in grammes): 1060
Size: 44.8 MB (ePub), 19.7 MB (PDF)