Board Games for Agriculture and Landscape

Conception, Design, Animation, Evaluation and Distribution

by Sylvain Dernat (editorial coordination), Yves Michelin (editorial coordination), Nolwenn Blache (editorial coordination)
Collection: Guide pratique
august 2023
140 x 245 format 176 pages In stock
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Today, in France as well as in the rest of the world, board games are being developed in the agriculture and landscape sectors. Neophytes, however, face many problems as far as these games’ design is concerned. Very often, enthusiasm for such board games arises from isolated initiatives, successful or not, based on trial and error. 

This guide proposes to capitalize on the rich and manifold experiences provided by these various initiatives, in order to support and accompany the design, animation and evaluation of these new games and thus meet the agricultural and landscape management challenges. Social environment, regarded as a driving force for the game operation and learning, as well as for the resulting changes in attitude and actions, is placed at the heart of the game’s conception. 

The goal is to offer a highly operational methodical approach to designing a game, based on an agricultural or landscape issue, ranging from theoretical concepts to the assessment of the object created. Each chapter analyzes a concrete case so as to get a better understanding of the methodological proposals. Thanks to their decades of experience, the numerous authors have worked on the formalization of this methodology, thus enabling the greatest number of novice designers to use the guide in the field. 

Table of contents


General Introduction

Part 1. Learning More About Agriculture and Landscape Board Games in Order to Improve Their Design 

1. Key Concepts Before Designing a Game

1.1. What do game studies (ludology) and the science of play say? 

1.2. The five dimensions of the game

1.3. What is a serious game? 

1.4. What is a board game?

1.5. Playing as a medium for revealing and transforming social space 

2. The Specificity of Agriculture and Landscape Games 

2.1. Playing with agriculture: a classic

2.2. The many complexities of agricultural activity 

2.3. Playing with the landscape adds new layers of complexity 

3. Board Sets Designed for Agriculture and Landscape: an Attempt at a Typology

3.1. Level 1. Learning or raising awareness via board games 

3.2. Level 2. Knowing and recognizing oneself in order to develop the ability to “work together” 

3.4. Level 3. Cooperating and committing oneself to “making a project” 

3.5. Level 4. Preparing and experiencing real-world practice 

Common Theme - Part 1

Part 2. Designing and Manufacturing a Game Dealing with Agriculture or Landscape

4. Before Starting

4.1. What is the game about?

4.2. What are the game’s objectives?

4.3. Which audience is the game targeting?

5. Simplification of the Reality via Modelling 

5.1. How to prepare the conceptual frame of the model? 

5.2. How to organize knowledge as a system? 

5.3. How may spatial dynamics be taken into account? 

5.4. How may social phenomena be taken into account?

5.5. Where to include decision-making centers?

5.6. How to calibrate the model?

6. Creating the Game’s Universe

6.1. Who are the players? Who are the agents?

6.2. How do the players interact: competition or collaboration?

6.3. How to convey spatial dimensions via the board set?

6.4. How to include temporal dimensions into the game?

6.5. What room for chance and the pleasure of playing? 

7. Converting the Model into a Game 

7.1. How to switch from the model to a game board?

7.2. How to represent and manage the material and information flow?

7.3. How to define the rules of the game? 

7.4. How to spice up the game?

8. Testing the Game and Coming up with the Necessary Improvements 

8.1. Is the game’s “driving force” working properly? 

8.2. Are the rules of the game clear? 

8.3. Does the game offer a smooth playing experience? 

8.4. Are the game’s components practical? 

8.5. Is the playing time reasonable? 

8.6. Is the game efficient?

9. Turning an Effective Game into a Popular Game 

9.1. Why should one be attentive to graphics?

9.2. Sad games: a specific situation 

9.3. Are the graphics consistent with the game’s message? 

9.4. Does the game reach its audience? 

Common Theme - Part 2

Part 3. Animating, Assessing and Distributing a Game about Agriculture or Landscape 

10. Animating a Game Session 

10.1. Some theoretical background

10.2. Preparing the game session

10.3. The role of the animator 

11. Game Assessment

11.1. A few validity principles to grasp reality 

11.2. Defining one’s assessment. Grasping reality. 

11.3. Defining the various levels of assessment

11.4. Assessment tools

12. Building a Game Distribution Strategy 

12.1. Valorizing one’s game: questions to ask oneself and questions to anticipate 

12.2. Step A. Characterizing the game to adjust valorization and define a plan of action 

12.3. Steps B1 and B2. Who is the owner of the game and how to protect one’s serious game? 

12.4. Step C. Distributing one’s game

Common Theme - Part 3



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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Guide pratique

Published: 31 august 2023

Reference Book: 02886

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02886NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759237036

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759237043

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 140 x 245

Pages count Book: 176

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 176

Weight (in grammes): 360

Size: 6.33 MB (PDF)


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