La planete fleurs

by Gérard Guillot (writer)
Collection: Carnets de sciences
may 2010
165 x 220 format 208 pages In stock
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Based on universally-known species - wild or cultivated -, this book is a journey of discovery or rediscovery into flowering plant classification from a resolutely changing perspective. The "old" classification is thus revisited in the light of recent data brought by genetics in floral development, without forgetting the history of plants and their relationship with the rest of the living world. Having described what is a flower, the author then leads us through the mysteries of reproduction and pollination before continuing quite naturally with evolution and the phylogenetic tree, which considers the extraordinary diversity of angiosperms.

Table of contents


Qu'est-ce qu'une fleur ?

Fleur géante ou inflorescence ?

Le double cercle des apparences

Pollen : la poudre magique

La chambre nuptiale

Des couleurs, des formes, des odeurs et des goûts

Références bibliographiques


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Carnets de sciences

Published: 17 may 2010

Reference Book: 02185

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02185EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02185NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759206261

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759209996

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206278

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 165 x 220

Pages count Book: 208

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 208

Weight (in grammes): 545

Size: 45.5 MB (ePub), 80.8 MB (PDF)


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