Prairies, herbivores, territoires :

by Claude Béranger (editorial coordination), Joseph Bonnemaire (editorial coordination)
Collection: Hors Collection
november 2008
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In a world where herbivore production in Europe is under threat, this interdisciplinary book, coordinated by the French Academy of Agriculture, demonstrates the reality and extent of the multifunctionality of pastures and discusses the political issues. Pastures make a substantial contribution to preserving soils, biodiversity, water quality and landscapes, to regulating hydrological regimes, and also to ensuring the quality of the dairy and meat products generated by herbivores. In this book, which is intended for a broad readership: decision-makers, territorial and agricultural development players, students and teachers, the authors demonstrate the ecological and economic performance of grassland systems and argue in favour of giving the quality of the products of such systems official recognition. They stress the importance of public territorial support policies in ensuring the economic viability of herbivore rearing; these policies need to recognize and reward the societal services rendered by such production systems.

Table of contents

Claude Béranger

La mutifonctionnalité des prairies
Christian Huyghe

Le cycle de l'eau dans les prairies.Ses spécificités par rapport aux autres végétations naturelles et cultivées
André Granier

Prairies et paysages
Régis Ambroise et Jean-Pierre Deffontaines†

Herbe et qualités des produits animaux
Jean-Baptiste Coulon

Intérêt et limites économiques des systèmes d'exploitation "herbagers"
Michel Lherm

Comment valoriser les quantités spécifiques des viandes bovines et ovines et des produits laitiers ?
Bertil Sylvander, Guy de Fontguyon et Pierre Sans

Conséquences zootechniques d'une orientation herbagère prédominante
Claude Béranger, Joseph Bonnemaire, Jean-Louis Tisserand †, Jean-Michel Besancenot et Louis de Neuville

Evolutions possibles des politiques publiques de soutien
Vincent Chatellier, Dominique Vollet, Laurent Dobremez et Étienne Josien

Acceptabilité des politiques publiques de soutien aux territoires
Michel Petit

Claude Béranger, Joseph Bonnemaire et Michel-Jean Jacquot


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 7 november 2008

Reference Book: 02096

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02096EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02096NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759201174

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759214518

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759202881

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: [NR]

Pages count Book: 188

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 188

Weight (in grammes): 365

Size: 12.8 MB (ePub), 27.1 MB (PDF)


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