Robustness, Rusticity, Flexibility, Plasticity, Resilience, etc.

New Quality Criteria for Animals and Livestock Farming Systems

by Jean-Marc Perez (editorial coordination), Daniel Sauvant (editorial coordination)
june 2010
[NR] 104 pages In stock
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It has been clear for some time that the most high-performing animals are often the most fragile and the most sensitive to disturbances confronting them. This observation raises many questions for the future of livestock farming systems and has naturally led researchers to wonder about the foundations of animal robustness.With the publication of this issue on "new criteria for assessing the quality of animals and livestock farming systems", the editorial team of the INRA Animal Production journal and the French Zootechnics Association wished to shed scientific light on the numerous facets of animal robustness.
This is seen through a variety of concepts, or components, which are applied to the different worthwhile physiological functions of farm animals and also to the level of production systems.
To date, it can be stated that no animal production, zootechnics discipline or organisation level escapes the analysis of these structures and functions in terms of robustness and associated criteria. We have therefore decided when putting this themed dossier together to combine different disciplines (genetics, nutrition, etc.), several levels of organisation (animal, farm) and animal categories (ruminants, monogastric).

Table of contents

Avant -propos.
D. Sauvant, J.-M. Perez
Robustesse, rusticité, flexibilité, plasticité... les nouveaux critères de qualité des animaux et des systèmes d'élevage : définitions systémique et biologique des différents concepts.
D. Sauvant, O. Martin
Robustesse et canalisation : vision de généticiens.
L. Bodin, G. Bolet, M. Garcia, H. Garreau, C. Larzul, I. David
Epigénétique et construction du phénotype, un enjeu pour les productions animales ?
H. Jammes, J.-P. Renard
Vers des définitions opérationnelles de la robustesse s'appuyant sur des faits biologiques : l'exemple de la nutrition.
N.-C. Friggens, D. Sauvant, O. Martin
Évolution des performances et de la robustesse des animaux en élevage porcin.
J.-Y. Dourmad, L. Canario, H. Gilbert, E. Merlot, H. Quesnel, A. Prunier
Robustesse, flexibilité, plasticité : des processus adaptatifs révélés dans les systèmes d’élevage extensifs de ruminants.
F. Blanc, B. Dumont, G. Brunschwig, F. Bocquier, J. Agabriel
Incertitude et adaptation : cadres théoriques et application à l'analyse de la dynamique des systèmes d'élevage.
B. Dedieu, S. Ingrand
Évolution et sensibilité aux aléas des résultats technico-économiques des exploitations de bovins allaitants selon les profils de production.
Analyse d’un panel de 55 exploitations du bassin Charolais de 1987 à 2007.
C. Mosnier, J. Agabriel, P. Veysset, D. Bébin, M. Lherm


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: INRA Productions animales

Published: 29 june 2010

Reference Booklet: 09201001

EAN13 Booklet: 9782738012777

Format (in mm) Booklet: [NR]

Pages count Booklet: 104

Weight (in grammes): 325


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