Green Piggery

INRA Productions Animales, Special Issue

by Michel Bonneau (writer)
december 2008
[NR] 88 pages In stock
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This special issue summarises a part of the results obtained from the pluridisciplinary and pluri institutional programme "Porcherie verte" set up at INRA's initiative in 2000. After a general introduction on the potential environmental impacts of pig breeding and the main waste treatment management plans that exist, a first part presents the objectives and the structure of the programme and the partners implicated. Then an assessment is made of the research actions led and the resulting publications. The following papers present a summary of the results obtained with the "Porcherie verte" programme on the future of elements at risk for the environment (nitrogen, phosphorus and trace metals), gas emissions of ammoniac and green house gases (nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide) and olfaction nuisances. A final article treats the overall evaluation of the sustainability of pig meat production systems and their optimisation on the farm level.

Table of contents

Avant propos
P. Herpin, J.M. Pérez

Introduction Générale
M. Bonneau

Le programme "Porcherie verte"
M. Bonneau

Les actions de recherches conduites au sein du programme "Porcherie verte"

Les publications issues du programme "Porcherie verte"

Connaissance du devenir des éléments à risques dans les différentes filières de gestion des effluents porcins
M. Bonneau, F. Beline, J.Y. Dourmad et al

Connaissance des émissions gazeuses dans les différentes filières de gestion des effluents porcins
M. Bonneau, J.Y. Dourmad, J.C. Germon et al

Mesure des nuisances olfactives associées à l'élevage porcin
J.L. Berdagué, M. Bonneau

Evaluation globale des systèmes de production porcine et leur optimisation au niveau de l'exploitation
M. Bonneau, J.Y. Dourmad, B. Lebret et al

A paraître : Dossier "les nouveaux enjeux de la nutrition et de l'alimentation du porc"


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: INRAE Productions animales

Published: 31 december 2008

Reference Booklet: 09200804

EAN13 Booklet: 9782738012609

Format (in mm) Booklet: [NR]

Pages count Booklet: 88

Weight (in grammes): 290


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