Rearing Livestock in Warm Regions

Special inra issue animal productions

by Jean-Baptiste Coulon (editorial coordination), Patrick Lecomte (editorial coordination), Maryline Boval (editorial coordination), Jean-Marc Perez (editorial coordination)
july 2011
[NR] 160 pages In stock
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Livestock rearing carries tremendous economic and social weight in world agriculture:
- The planet counts nineteen billion livestock, all categories together, with 70% reared by farmers in non-industrialised countries;

- Livestock contributes to the livelihood of a billion poor people in Southern countries and employs a total of 1.3 billion people worldwide;

- Animal production is forecast to double by 2050, basically through strong expansion in livestock activities in Southern countries.

This is the context that prompted the Editorial team of the INRA review Animal Productions to devote a whole issue to rearing livestock in warm regions.

The contributions compiled in this special issue attempt to summarise in depth the state of knowledge and experience acquired in rearing livestock in warm regions.

The animal productions are analysed at various organisational levels, giving a broad overview of the global livestock situation.

Table of contents

Introduction générale


Évolution des productions animales terrestres et aquacoles dans le monde : tendances globales et implications économiques, sociales et environnementales


Ressources tropicales : disponibilité et valeur alimentaire


Adaptation des animaux d’élevage aux multiples contraintes des régions chaudes


Spécificités de la santé animale en régions chaudes : le cas des maladies infectieuses majeures en Afrique


Elevage et qualité des produits en régions chaudes


Impacts et services environnementaux de l’élevage en régions chaudes


Conception et évaluation de systèmes d’élevage durables en régions chaudes


Élevage, filières et territoires en régions chaudes


Élevages et sociétés : les rôles multiples de l’élevage dans les pays tropicaux


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: INRA Productions animales

Published: 1 july 2011

Reference Booklet: 09201101

EAN13 Booklet: 9782738012913

Format (in mm) Booklet: [NR]

Pages count Booklet: 160

Weight (in grammes): 489


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