Les deutéromycètes

Classification and Keys for Identifying Genera

by Etienne Kiffer (writer), Michel Morelet (writer)
Collection: Du labo au terrain
january 1997
160 x 240 format 306 pages In stock
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This book fills a void in French literature in the field of Fungi Imperfecti or Deuteromycetes, the second most important group of fungi as far as number of genera and economic impact are concerned. It includes the theoretical bases, a summary of current knowledge (including ultrastructural data), abundant illustrations, keys for determining genera (Hyphomycetes and Coelomycetes) and a bibliography for the reader who wants to go even further. It will interest biology teachers and students, researchers and laboratory technicians.

Table of contents

Impact et ubiquité des Deutéromycètes
Comment utiliser ce livre
I. Introduction
II. Arthrosporés et arthrosporés méristématiques
III. Blastosporés [Sensu lato)
IV. Aleuriosporés et monoblastosporés
V. Annellophorés et annelloblastosporés (annellosporés holoblastiques)
VI. Sympodulosporés
VII. Acroblastosporés
VIII. Botryoblastosporés
IX. Porosporés
X. Phialosporés
XI. Annélidés (Annellosporés entéroblastiques)
XII. Deutéromycètes basauxiques
XIII. Mycelia sterilia
Abréviations de la bibliographie additionnelle
Index des taxa


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Du labo au terrain

Published: 1 january 1997

Reference Book: 01352

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01352EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01352NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738007292

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759211890

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759202119

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 306

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 306

Weight (in grammes): 575

Size: 72.2 MB (ePub), 19.8 MB (PDF)


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