Reservoir dams and flooding on the seine

A brief history of hydrology from the 17th to the 20th century

by Denis Coeur (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
november 2024
160 x 240 format 134 pages In stock
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Climate change and the current context of environmental crises are prompting those involved in water resource management to rethink the hydrological systems inherited from past centuries. As an international reference, the evolution of hydrological knowledge of the Seine is an exemplary field of investigation for shedding light on a whole area of the history of hydraulic sciences and techniques. It also enables us to understand the genesis and development of public policies dedicated to flood and low-water control on the scale of a catchment area with major urban issues at stake. 
Covering the last four centuries, this book highlights the turning points in knowledge, representations and technical management of the Seine basin upstream of Paris. In particular, it shows the importance of the “Belgrand model”, established in the mid-nineteenth century, and the key role played by the construction of reservoir dams in defending Paris against flooding. 
A selection of original documents taken from archives - maps, drawings, plans, tables - illustrate throughout the book and in the appendices the many ways in which local players have dealt with flooding. For experts, the book also presents an unpublished detailed inventory of archive sources on the history of hydrology in the Seine basin.
Based on a study commissioned by the Établissement Public Territorial de Bassin Seine Grands Lacs (EPTB SGL) in 2021-2022, this book is aimed at local authorities responsible for river management, technicians and decision-makers, as well as historians and informed amateurs.

Table of contents



Part 1. The first steps in hydrology

Ancient hydrometric knowledge associated with navigation

“Measuring river water”

The origins of hydrometry on the Seine

Lineaments of hydrological knowledge

Analysing variations in water level: the first steps towards understanding the river regime
Measuring river flows: the Seine basin, a breeding ground for innovation

The first surveys of flooded areas

The first flood monographs
Linking events together: the diachronic approach

City flood defence projects

Canals to protect Paris from flooding
Troyes and Nemours

Part 2. Hydrology between science and territory

The “Belgrand model”: a knowledge project

The hydrometric service of the Seine basin: a tool for understanding the river regime

The emergence of flood expertise: what place for summer floods?

Flood defence after 1850: the slow metamorphosis of the system inherited from the classical city

1856 and 1910: still intervening at the very heart of the city

Reservoir dams: a solution long put off
Reinforcing natural and artificial hydraulic networks as cities pass through
Flood warnings: alerting for better defence

From natural to artificial flooding: the advent of reservoir dams

Controlling the flow of the Seine in an age of urbanisation: squaring the circle?
Summer flooding on the Seine: a hidden risk




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Last reader comment

Ouvrage génial qui instruit le lecteur au sujet de ce fameux fleuve "La Seine" (parce qu'il traverse la capitale de la France) montrant la longue histoire de son évolution et des progrès de la science hydrologique.

by René Jean PHILIPPE on 08/02/2025 18:00


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 28 november 2024

Reference Book: 02941

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02941NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02941EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759238750

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759238767

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759238774

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3876-7

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 134

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 134

Weight (in grammes): 310

Size: 42.6 MB (PDF), 6.43 MB (ePub)


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