Society / Economics, advice and management
Farmer Organisations and Societies Reading Through Reciprocity
Book 36,00 €
Protecting Geographical Indications European Union, France and India
Book 35,00 €
Food Processing Lobbying and International Standards The codex Alimentarius
Book 40,00 €
Energies Understanding the issues
Book 19,00 €
Innovating with the protagonists of the rural world Partnership between research and action
Book 25,40 €
L'élevage, richesse des pauvres Strategies of Livestock Farmers and Social Organisations to Combat the Risks in the Southern Countries
Book 40,60 €
Concevoir et construire la decision Approaches in Agriculture, Food Processing and Rural Space
Book 45,60 €
Comprendre l'agriculture familiale Diagnosing production systems
Nicolas Ferraton, Isabelle Touzard
Book 25,40 €
Conseil et developpement en agriculture Quelles nouvelles pratiques ?
Caroline Auricoste, Claude Compagnone, Bruno Lémery
Book 29,40 €