Fishing. Aquatic and aquacultural resources / Freshwater ecosystems
Great Lakes The Great Lakes put to the Test of the Anthropocene Age
Jean-Marcel Dorioz, Orlane Anneville, Isabelle Domaizon, Chloé Goulon, Jean Guillard, Stéphan Jacquet, Bernard Montuelle, Serena Rasconi, Viet Tran-Khac, Jean-Philippe Jenny
Book 17,00 €
Marine Viruses Mere Parasites or Major Players in Aquatic Ecosystems?
Stéphan Jacquet, Anne-Claire Baudoux, Yves Desdevises, Soizick F. Le Guyader
Book 18,00 €
Cunning reef inhabitants
Hardback book 28,00 €
The effect of anthropogenic sounds on marine life The example of offshore wind projects
Book 28,00 €
Freshwater shrimp farming in Europe Eco-responsible practices for Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Book 25,00 €
The freshwater Giant Looking for the Wels catfish
Book 12,00 €
Which Rivers for Tomorrow? Thoughts on the Ecology and Restoration of Water Courses
Book 36,00 €
Eutrophication Appearances, causes, consequences and predictability
Gilles Pinay, Chantal Gascuel, Alain Ménesguen, Yves Souchon, Morgane Le Moal, Alix Levain, Claire Etrillard, Florentina Moatar, Alexandrine Pannard, Philippe Souchu
Book 29,00 €
History of line fishing Through water and over time
Hardback book 25,00 €
Guide des poissons de France Cours d'eau, lacs et étangs
Book 19,90 €
Derriere chez moi, y'a un etang : Ponds - Yesterday's Texts, Observations of Today and Tomorrow
Book 19,00 €
Le silure glane Biology, Ecology, Farming
Pierre Elie, Olivier Schlumberger, Jean-Pierre Proteau
Book 36,50 €
L'anguille europeenne Indicators of Abundance and Colonization
Gilles Adam, Eric Feunteun, Christian Rigaud, Patrick Prouzet
Book 55,80 €
Poissons des lacs naturels francais Ecology of Species and Population Trends
Olivier Schlumberger, Pierre Elie
Book 39,00 €