Ethics and Research

A Dialogue to be Constructed

Collection: Sciences en questions
september 2011
120 x 190 format 88 pages In stock
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Life science research and its applications provoke ethical questions, mainly, but not exclusively, in the medical sector. The INRA Ethics and Precaution Committee has tried hard to identify ethical questions in a wide range of fields such as animal cloning, GMO for agricultural use and triploid oysters. It has also encouraged researchers to consider the ethical aspect of their work. This initiative has had to call on such widely-varying disciplines as biology, philosophy, anthropology and even theology, when a GMO survey had the Committee pondering over the meaning of genetic progress. The detached ethical reflection of the Ethics and Precaution Committee for Agronomic Research Applications is facing questions stemming from everyday practices and the situation on the ground.

Table of contents



Éthique et recherche. L’expérience du Comepra

Jean-François Théry


Naissance du Comepra

Portrait du premier Comepra

Bilan de huit années de Comepra


Éthique et recherche. Le regard d’un philosophe sur l’expérience du Comepra

Jean-Michel Besnier


Pour une éthique de la discussion

Construire la qualité éthique

Mise en perspective philosophique

Pour une éthique de la recherche


L’espace éthique de l’Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Paris

Emmanuel Hirsch


Une certaine conception de l’approche éthique

Affirmer un engagement exemplaire dans les domaines de l’éthique

Favoriser une concertation pluraliste

Diversité des approches de l’éthique hospitalière et du soin




More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Sciences en questions

Published: 12 september 2011

Reference Book: 02264

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02264EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02264NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759210473

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759219964

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759210480

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 190

Pages count Book: 88

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 88

Weight (in grammes): 81

Size: 627 KB (ePub), 1.19 MB (PDF)


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