Goose issues

Population dynamics and adaptive management

by Matthieu Guillemain (writer)
Collection: Enjeux sciences
january 2025
120 x 190 format 108 pages In stock
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Once a threatened migratory species during the 1950s, the Greylag goose is currently considered as being overabundant and causing significant problems, especially in northern Europe which hosts the majority of a nowadays sedentary population. Conservation actions, climate change and intensification of agriculture have had unexpected consequences: in seventy years, this species’ geography and annual calendar have completely changed. Culling operations have been introduced in some countries, upsetting French hunters who would rather like to harvest the species for an extended period, which the European Birds Directive does not allow.

In such a situation, how can the conservation of this species be balanced against the prevention of risks for human activities? This book first describes the changes that occurred for Greylag geese in western Europe, then explains the biological foundations of the current legal regulation, and how an innovative adaptive management process has been introduced by the European authorities.

This book is for managers, policy-makers and, more generally, anyone interested in wildlife. It aims at contributing to the national debate about Greylag goose management, through the provision of an up to date review of current scientific knowledge and recent political decisions regarding biodiversity conservation at large.

Read the foreword  -  Dr Jacques Trouvilliez

Table of contents




Strengths and constrains in goose natural history

Population « dynamics » take all their meaning

At the brinks of extinction in the 1950s
Introducing conservation measures
Populations strengthening through releases
The unexpected role of agriculture
Climate change and energy savings
From rebound to explosion
Changes in numbers in France

Complete change in Greylag goose distribution

No more Spanish holidays?
Geographic changes, but not in France
A greater share of non-migratory geese
Changes in flight plans

Goose conflicts

From rarity to overabundance
Geese and agriculture: benefits for some, costs for others
Zoonoses, airplane safety and protection of natural ecosystems

Managing Greylag goose populations

Promoting the geese (ca. 1950-1980)
Living with the geese (ca. 1980-2010)
Managing the geese (ca. 2010-…)
Greylag goose adaptive management
A gradual implementation process

Greylag goose management in France

A rare and mythical game
The February hunt frustration
Scientific controversy and legal imbroglio
Spring migration date
Administrative culling in the Netherlands
Adaptive management tools
Adaptive management and the Birds Directive




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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Enjeux sciences

Published: 2 january 2025

Reference Book: 02981

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02981NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02981EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759239887

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239894

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239900

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3989-4

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 190

Pages count Book: 108

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 108

Weight (in grammes): 120

Size: 7.05 MB (PDF), 595 KB (ePub)


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