Le maigre commun (argyrosomus regius)

Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential

by Loïc Quéméner (writer)
Collection: Ressources de la mer
december 2004
160 x 240 32 pages In stock
13,90 €
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This survey reports on available literature concerning meagre (Argyrosomus Regius). Total catches are restricted to the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea (8000 and 1000 metric tons per year, respectively). Recruitment in French coastal areas is uncertain. Annual catches (mainly small-sized fish and low market prices) are in the range of 100-700 tons. Meagre could be interesting for aquaculture: high flesh quality and flavour, high commercial value over 2 kg, rapid growth between 16 and 20°C, high tolerance to salinity. The first, two-year, trials on meagre grow-out are underway in two commercial fish farms on the French Mediterranean coast.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Ressources de la mer

Published: 1 december 2004

Reference Booklet: RM0202

EAN13 Booklet: 9782844330741

Format (in mm) Booklet: 160 x 240

Pages count Booklet: 32

Weight (in grammes): 93


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