Glossaire de génétique moléculaire et génie génétique

by Annie Chartier (editorial coordination)
Collection: Dictionnaires
may 2006
160 x 240 format 52 pages Download after purchase
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The aim of this glossary is to provide French speakers (and learners) with a rich vocabulary of precise, harmonized terminology proper to molecular genetics and genetic engineering; over 500 terms are defined and translated into English. A vital tool for scientists, popular-science writers, teachers, students, translators, information officers and librarians.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Dictionnaires

Published: 31 may 2006

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01127NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759204229

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 52

Size: 2.33 MB (PDF)


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