L'interdisciplinarité dans les sciences de la vie

by Jean-Marie Legay (editor)
Collection: Indisciplines
january 2006
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Given the complexity of science and its hyperspecialisation, the scientist is increasingly faced with the need to refer to fields other then the one in which he or she is specialised. The life sciences are a good example of this phenomenon because they are undergoing a major expansion while facing strong criticism that forces them to adapt to a new reality.
The authors of this book have met with this challenge by going beyond the limits of their knowledge to confront scientists in other fields (chemistry, ecology, geography, history, the environment, climatology) with whom they can address common issues and create methods to be shared by all of them. They thus help us to more effectively define to the concept of interdisciplinarity that is, more than others, based on experience. They also look into the reasons why interdisciplinarity is not yet widely applied in major research institutions.

Table of contents

Préface Claude Millier
Introduction Jean-Marie Legay


Chapitre 1. Itinéraires de palynologues, pratiques pluridisciplinaires d’une expertise d’interface

Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu


Chapitre 2. Réticences disciplinaires en biologie : l’exemple de la théorie chimio-osmotique

Jean-Claude Mounolou


Chapitre 3. De l’hydrobiologie à l’écologie du paysage

Henri Décamps


Chapitre 4. La médecine de la reproduction : une médecine et des recherches inter- et pluridisciplinaires

Jean-Claude Czyba


Chapitre 5. Émergence d’un concept. Un itinéraire entre agronomie et géographie

Jean-Pierre Deffontaines et Pascal Thinon


Chapitre 6. Des schistosomes aux autres parasites tropicaux : un espace de dialogue interdisciplinaire

Claude Combes


Chapitre 7. Questions biologiques et jeux complexes de données. Une expérience halieutique

Francis Laloë


Chapitre 8. Modélisation spatiale et approche agronomique

Sylvie Lardon


Chapitre 9. Intégrer les analyses géographiques, écologiques et sociales pour gérer la faune sauvage


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: NSS

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Indisciplines

Published: 1 january 2006

Reference Book: 01536

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01536EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01536NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738012104

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759213306

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759201457

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 172

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 172

Weight (in grammes): 315

Size: 4.01 MB (ePub), 2.75 MB (PDF)


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