Beer and Men

by Jean-Paul Hébert (writer), Dany Griffon (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
march 2013
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From the saga of major industrial brewing groups to the microbreweries, from Gaulish ale to Irish Guinness, from English stout to Burkina dolo, from traditional barley malt beer to Congolese munkoyo via South-American chicha, this e-pub will take you on a journey around the world to discover the history and brewing of beers.Videos, animated diagrams and an impressive bibliography and webography will satisfy the curiosity of the beer enthusiast or anyone looking for information on this agelong drink.

This e-pub is based on the printed edition by the same authors . Do all beers have foam?(Quæ, 2010). It is full of texts, links and multimedia objects.



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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 march 2013

Reference eBook [application/zip + ePub + Mobi/Kindle]: 02349EBI

EAN13 eBook [application/zip + ePub + Mobi/Kindle]: 9782759217908

Size: 228 MB (application/zip), 228 MB (ePub), 29.8 MB (Mobi/Kindle)


  • Des bières et des hommes - Dany Griffon

  • Des bières et des hommes - Jean-Paul Hébert

  • Des bières et des hommes - Gérard Matheron

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