Varietal creation in cultivated plants

From conventional methods to modern tools

by André Gallais (writer)
Collection: Les mémos de Quae
february 2025
170 x 240 format 72 pages
Presale: available from 20/02/2025.
12,00 €
72 pages
To be published on 20 february 2025
To be published on 20 february 2025
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Plant breeding aims to bring together in a single population, called a variety, the maximum number of favorable genetic traits to better meet the demands of agriculture, users of agricultural production and society.

This book presents today's plant breeding methods and tools in simple, concise terms, and answers three questions: What is a variety in plant breeding? What methods and tools are available to the breeder? How is a variety created? The book concludes with a description of the supply chain set up to ensure that the seeds of selected varieties are the vehicle of genetic progress.

This book is aimed at non-specialists with an interest in genetics and plant breeding, and a basic understanding of biology: high school students and their biology teachers; graduate students who are studying plant breeding, and their teachers; technicians, engineers and managers of plant breeding programs; and all professionals wishing to have an overview of the plant breeding tools available today.

Table of contents


1. What is a variety in plant breeding?

1.1. Plant breeding and the creation of varieties: an old profession
1.2. What is a variety in plant breeding today?
1.3. Why uniform varieties?
1.4. What are the different types of varieties?
1.5. Why does the breeder choose a particular type of variety?
To remember

2. What tools are available to the breeder?

2.1. Conventional tools
2.2. Tools to provide new genetic variability
2.3. Tools for making better use of genetic variability: genome molecular markers
To remember

3. How is a variety created?

3.1. How to create line-bred varieties?
3.2. How to create hybrid varieties?
3.3. How to create synthetic and clone varieties?
3.4. Conservative selection
To remember

Conclusion: a whole organization to convey genetic progress at the farmer level

To remember



To find out more


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Les mémos de Quae

Published: 20 february 2025

Reference Book: 02982

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02982NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02982EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759239504

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239511

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239528

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-3951-1

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 170 x 240

Pages count Book: 72

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 72

Weight (in grammes): 185

Size: 18.3 MB (PDF), 5.58 MB (ePub)


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