Vine, wine and climate change

by Nathalie Ollat (editorial coordination), Jean-Marc Touzard (editorial coordination)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2025
170 x 240 format 266 pages In stock
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Grapevine is being affected by climate change in many ways, from earlier plant development – which could make vines more vulnerable to spring frosts – to earlier grape ripening.

Increasingly intense extreme weather events, such as heat waves and torrential rain, are also causing major damage to vines. Water stress, which is more pronounced in southern France, has a marked effect on yields. All French vineyards must contend with these issues. Wine characteristics are also changing, with higher alcohol levels, lower acidity and different aromas becoming more common. Meanwhile, new areas are becoming suitable for winegrowing.

The key to addressing these issues is to adapt faster. But how exactly should we do this? What decisions at the local or national level should be taken?

After ten years of research into adapting the French vine and wine industry to climate change, the LACCAVE project, led by INRAE, came to an end in 2021. This book summarizes the results of that project and explores possible levers for action, including new grape varieties; improved soil, water and training system management; reorganization of winegrowing areas; oenological innovations; and new regulations. Readers will find a systemic and strategic vision showing how these actions can be implemented through participatory approaches at different levels, from winegrowers to the winegrowing sector’s own climate policy.

This reference book is aimed primarily at industry professionals, lecturers and students.

This book is available in French: Vigne, vin et changement climatique

Table of contents



General introduction

Changing climate a cause for concern
The LACCAVE project: a systemic and participatory approach to adaptation
Key results of the LACCAVE project

PART 1 - From impact studies to adaptation levers

Chapter 1 - Using indicators and models to study the impact of climate change on grapevine

Historical context for the development of models and indicators applied to climate impact studies
Recent work on developing climate indicators for viticulture
Recent work on grapevine modelling applied to climate studies
Limitations and future research avenues

Chapter 2 - Vineyard soils and climate change

The specific characteristics of vineyard soils
The functions and services associated with vineyard soils
From mapping terroirs to mapping functions

Chapter 3 - Effects of rising temperatures and water deficit on grapevines

The main effects of rising temperatures on grapevine behaviour
Effects of increased water deficit
The effects of climate change on grapevine pests and diseases

Chapter 4 - Impacts on wine quality

The impact of climate change on wine aroma
The impact of climate change on phenolic compounds in wine

Chapter 5 - Adapting to climate change using grapevine ideotypes

How genetic variability can be leveraged for adaptation

Chapter 6 - Grapevine training systems and vineyard soil management

Soil management challenges due to climate change
Soil management practices
Grapevine training systems and climate change
The main grapevine training systems

Chapter 7 - Water management

Modifying the plant material
Soil preparation and management
Vineyard layout and training systems
Irrigation: ideal versus real
Winegrowing and water resource management policies

Chapter 8 - Oenological solutions: adapting the winemaking process

Adapting grape-harvesting methods
Optimizing wine production
Adjusting wine maturation and bottling conditions

Chapter 9 - Leveraging regional climate variability for adaptation

Assessing the climate variability of a territory in the context of climate change
Constructing future climate projections on a territorial scale
Assessing the impact of local climate change by considering winegrowing practices
A possible shift towards a spatial redistribution of winegrowing areas?

PART 2 - Co-constructing strategies for adaptation

Chapter 1 - Winegrowers’ perception of and adaptation to climate change

International perception of climate change and its impacts on viticulture
Adaptation strategies at different temporal and spatial scales
Innovation at the heart of winegrowers’ adaptation to climate change

Chapter 2 - Is the market ready for wines affected by global warming?

An experimental study for measuring consumer preferences
Experiment results for both groups of consumers
Learnings from the experiment

Chapter 3 - Supporting French viticulture through the creation of “adaptation ecosystems”

The climate issue in the analysis of viticulture and wine innovation systems
A mixed method for studying regional innovation systems in French winegrowing areas
Results of the three studies on regional innovation systems and vineyard adaptation

Chapter 4 - Developing knowledge for training

Setting up a training programme for teachers at viticulture colleges
An interactive mapping tool for studying terroirs in the context of climate change
A foresight-based, participatory role-playing game for raising awareness of the need to adapt to climate change
Agroclimatic foresight model produced by engineering students for a winegrowing region
Vitigame, a serious game that raises awareness of levers for reducing environmental impacts

Chapter 5 - Promoting climate action at local level:the example of winegrowing Climathons

Renewing participatory approaches at local level: the climate-action challenge in winegrowing areas
Development of a Climathon method for farming communities
Wine Climathon results

Chapter 6 - Models for a participatory approach to design and evaluate local adaptation strategies

Mechanistic models: essential but not enough on their own when contemplating climate change adaptation
Using models to shape stakeholder thinking in a Mediterranean winegrowing area
Models for the participatory design of adaptation strategies: opportunities and limitations
Conclusion and outlook

Chapter 7 - Participatory foresight approach and national strategy

Using foresight principles to develop an “interdisciplinary” approach
Regional forums discussing foresight and generating proposals for action
From the joint development of a national strategy to action in winegrowing regions

Final conclusion

The co-creation of key messages for industry stakeholders
Adaptive co-management of winegrowing areas at multiple scales
Cross-disciplinary, transformational and media-friendly research


List of Authors and Contributors


More contents

The French version of this book received the 2024 OIV Award from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine for the Sustainable Viticulture category.
Learn more


Language(s): English

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 27 january 2025

Reference Book: 02991

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02991NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759240326

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759240333

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-4033-3

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 170 x 240

Pages count Book: 266

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 266

Weight (in grammes): 630

Size: 14.2 MB (PDF)


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