Rethinking Crop Protection

Innovations and transitions

by Pierre Ricci (editorial coordination), Sybille Bui (editorial coordination), Claire Lamine (editorial coordination)
Collection: Sciences en partage
december 2011
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Chemical control has been the pillar in protecting crops from pests, diseases and weeds for forty years, but is now under attack from recent regulations restricting the use of pesticides. This raises numerous questions addressed in this work from both technical and human viewpoints based on actual cases.

This interdisciplinary summary analyses how the organisation and rules of the agri-food system are holding back the emergence of alternative solutions. It emphasises taking the dynamics of change of farmers into account and the need for coordinated adaptation of all public and private players. Its authors make a few suggestions to stimulate these transitions. This work has been written by a group of authors specialising in crop protection, agronomists, ecologists, lawyers, economists and sociologists united under the GéDuPIC project financed by the National Research Agency (ANR) from 2007 to 2010.

The book is intended for farmers and also for anyone involved in the agricultural, consultancy, research and distribution sectors and those responsible for public policies.

Table of contents





Partie 1. Changer de paradigme en protection des cultures

1. La gestion de la santé des cultures dans une perspective de développement durable

2. Un système agri-alimentaire façonné autour de la protection chimique des cultures


Partie 2. Regards croisés sur la protection intégrée des cultures

3. Construire et évaluer des solutions de protection intégrée, combinant des méthodes à effet partiel

4. Prendre en compte les échelles de temps et d’espace des processus écologiques

5. De l’acceptabilité des propositions techniques de la protection intégrée à l’analyse des dynamiques de changements des agriculteurs

6. Contribution des politiques publiques à la transition vers la protection intégrée : état des lieux

7. Qualification et mise en marché des produits : verrous ou leviers pour la réduction d’intrants ?


Partie 3. Impulser les transitions vers la protection intégrée

8. Repenser l’innovation

9. Mobiliser l’action publique et privée à l’échelle du système sociotechnique


Conclusion générale


Liste des sigles






Les auteurs


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: Educagri

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Sciences en partage

Published: 21 december 2011

First publishing date: 20 june 2019

Reference Book: 02236

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02236EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02236NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759216765

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759217458

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759216772

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 250

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 250

Weight (in grammes): 475

Size: 866 KB (ePub), 1.08 MB (PDF)


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