Animal rearing and production / Zootechnics
Consumption and digestion of plants The roles of microbiota and functions essential to biodiversity
Gérard Fonty, Annick Bernalier-Donadille, Evelyne Forano, Pascale Mosoni
Book 35,00 €
The snail Helix aspersa Biology-rearing
Jean-Claude Bonnet, Pierrick Aupinel, Jean-Louis Vrillon
Book 22,00 €
Principles of Molecular and Genomic Biology Techniques revised and expanded 3rd edition
Book 29,00 €
L'élevage en Europe : une diversité de services et d'impacts INRA Productions Animales 04/17 vol 30
Booklet 30,00 €
Le bovin malade Son examen et sa prise en charge
Book 29,00 €
Nutrition Guide for the Lactating Cattle Herd Cows, Calves and Heifers for Herd Renewal
Book 29,00 €
Manipulations et interventions en élevage ovin et caprin Deuxième édition
Book 23,00 €
What Innovations for What Livestock Farming Systems? Special INRA Issue Animal Productions
eBook 20,99 €