Fishing. Aquatic and aquacultural resources / Aquaculture, fish farming
Ocean acidification What are the effects? What are the solutions?
Fabrice Pernet, Frédéric Gazeau
Book 16,00 €
Great Lakes The Great Lakes put to the Test of the Anthropocene Age
Jean-Marcel Dorioz, Orlane Anneville, Isabelle Domaizon, Chloé Goulon, Jean Guillard, Stéphan Jacquet, Bernard Montuelle, Serena Rasconi, Viet Tran-Khac, Jean-Philippe Jenny
Book 17,00 €
Marine Viruses Mere Parasites or Major Players in Aquatic Ecosystems?
Stéphan Jacquet, Anne-Claire Baudoux, Yves Desdevises, Soizick F. Le Guyader
Book 18,00 €
Freshwater shrimp farming in Europe Eco-responsible practices for Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Book 25,00 €
Animals and sex sixty keys to understanding
Book 18,00 € 5,40 € (-70%)
A challenge for the planet Discover how they’re already transforming our daily lives
Book 17,00 €
Red Drum (sciaenops ocellatus) Biologie, peach, fish farming, and market
Book 21,30 €
Derriere chez moi, y'a un etang : Ponds - Yesterday's Texts, Observations of Today and Tomorrow
Book 19,00 €