
A crunchy story

by Eric Birlouez (writer)
Collection: Beaux livres
september 2024
215 x 245 format 160 pages In stock
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Much more than food, bread is a marker of our collectiveidentity. From the earliest civilizations of theFertile Crescent until recent times, bread has been the staplein Europe, the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East.Bread is universal, as long as we don't limit it to just wheaten bread, with its puffy, honeycombed crumb. It also includes galettes, unfermented flatbreads, breads made from other cereals...

Where and when was it born? What status did mankind give it?How did the bakery profession emerge, and how have appearedtechniques and tools for milling, kneading, fermenting and baking?This book traces the origins of bread, revealing the key role this food has playedin the French history, often leading to revolts in times of famine.

It also shows that bread's evolution has been marked by innovationone of which gave our emblematic baguette, now part of UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage. Nowadays, even though we eat ten times less bread than one century ago, consumers express newexpectations with organic bread, local flours from ancient varieties,sourdough bread... and the number of “neo-bakers” and “homemade” bread fans continues to grow.

All will find a source of inspiration in the journey through France's bread-making specialtiesand its tour of the world's crunchiest breads!

Table of contents

A universal product with a history stretching back thousands of years 

An incredible diversity 
In the beginning, a cereal... 
The magic of fermentation 
Salt... and time 
The stages of bread-making 
Different types of flour 

In the beginning, wild cereal wafers 
Then leavened bread appeared... 
Bread and early civilizations 
Bread, sacred food 

From the first French wheat to medieval breads 
During the Renaissance, control over bread was tightened 
Under Louis XIV, people often lacked bread 
The Enlightenment: the wind of freedom blows on bread too 
The Revolution abolished “banalités” 
Nineteenth century: the triumph of white bread and Viennese pastries 
The 20th century: falling consumption and industrialized manufacturing

The birth of a profession: from talemaker to baker 
Mills and millers 

Traditional breads from French regions 
Breads of the world 

Less bread, but still a strong attachment 
Bread: good or bad for your health? 
Researchers and bread 
Current panorama and challenges for the bakery sector 
International influence 

From the pioneers of “natural” bread to today's farmer-bakers 

Selective bibliography 
Photo credits 


Nice Rendez-Vous - Le 02/10/2024
"Un livre passionnant d’Éric Birlouez sur le pain des origines à nos jours."
>> Lire l'article

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Beaux livres

Published: 26 september 2024

Reference Hardback book: 02962

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02962NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02962EPB

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782759239405

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239412

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239429

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Hardback book: 215 x 245

Pages count Hardback book: 160

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 160

Weight (in grammes): 820

Size: 34.5 MB (PDF), 45.2 MB (ePub)


  • La croustillante histoire du pain, avec Eric Birlouez

    12 december 2024

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