La lutte biologique

Towards new ecological balances

by Lydie Suty (writer)
Collection: Sciences en partage
february 2010
[NR] format 328 pages Temporarily out of stock
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How can biological control reply to the expectations of an agriculture increasingly anxious to protect the environment and the biodiversity? What applications can it offer a society set on achieving "zero residues" of active substances in foodstuffs? This book takes stock of this specialist and complex scientific subject now become a social topic.
An initial inventory lists the vocabulary, basic biological knowledge and basic principles of biological control. Each chapter is supplemented by one or two articles written by specialists in the field addressed: beneficials, micro-organisms, parasites and parasitoids, plants, aquatic environments, complex systems, inert biocides, etc. Evaluation, changes and possible improvements in biological control methods conclude this pioneering summary work.
It is intended for teachers, instructors and students as well as "lay" readers who are conscious of the need to protect ecosystems.

Table of contents


Chapitre 1.
Rappels de biologie

Chapitre 2. La lutte biologique : définitions et concepts généraux

Chapitre 3. Auxiliaires et cibles : première approche

Chapitre 4. La lutte microbiologique

Chapitre 5. Parasites et parasitoïdes

Chapitre 6. Utilisation de prédateurs

Chapitre 7. Les plantes et la lutte biologique

Chapitre 8. Le milieu aquatique

Chapitre 9. Les systèmes complexes de lutte biologique

Chapitre 10. Évaluation des méthodes de lutte biologique

Chapitre 11. Aspects évolutifs

Chapitre 12. Perspectives : vers de nouvelles méthodes de lutte biologique




À lire

Sites utiles

Les auteurs


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: Educagri

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Sciences en partage

Published: 2 february 2010

Reference Book: 02184

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02184EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02184NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759206124

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759209989

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206131

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: [NR]

Pages count Book: 328

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 328

Weight (in grammes): 530

Size: 10.9 MB (ePub), 12.8 MB (PDF)


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