Our print on demand books

Ces ouvrages, initialement aux stock épuisés, sont de nouveau disponibles en impression à la demande (IAD).
Leur livraison se fait sous 3 semaines en France métropolitaine.

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Our print on demand books

Legume Seed Pests Biology of Bruchinae and Integrated Pest Management in Africa

Book 30,40 €

Pesticides agriculture et environnement Reducing Pesticide Use and Limiting its Environmental Impact. Inra-Cemagref Joint Scientific Appraisal (December 2005)

Expertise scientifique collective Inra

Book 26,40 €

Companion Modelling A Participatory Approach to Support Sustainable Development

Book 45,00 €

L'élevage, richesse des pauvres Strategies of Livestock Farmers and Social Organisations to Combat the Risks in the Southern Countries

Book 40,60 €

Traitement des effluents d elevage Technical Guide for Designers, Research Departments and Small Livestock Farmers

José Martinez, Vincent Jaouen, Colin Burton

Book 16,00 €

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